The Sessions Part 1

All of the WAM that can be preformed can be broken down into 3 types.  Over the next couple of posts, we will be reviewing each type.

The first WAM session type is Solo.

A solo session is when there is only one person evolved; hence the name Solo.
This person is completely in charge of all aspects of the WAM session including when, where and what substances are used.   A total freedom of chooses allows the person to truly customize the session to make it the most pleasurable.  And reaching this gratification is what makes WAM spectacular.    

The amount of substance used for a solo session varies from person to person.  However, since there is only one person involved, a large quantity is not needed to be a pleasurable experience.  In fact, the more substance that is used requires more time for cleaning up.  And that can decrease the enjoyment of the whole event.    Having too little can also decrease the enjoyment.  After years of taking part in WAM, I would suggest no less than a liter or ½ a gallon of substance.   With that amount, you can easily have enough to cover yourself or cover a specific area that gives you the most stimulation.    

If you are in a relationship, you can still take part in a Solo WAM session.  Having private time to enjoy your own sexuality is health as long as you can still maintain a health relationship outside of this fetish.  Also, if you are not into WAM but you partner is and you are ok with them exploring their interest in WAM, make sure you let them know you are okay with them taking the time to have a solo session.  The reassurance can ease tensions in the relationship.



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